A How To Guide

Welcome! We are glad you are here! I hope you find this cookbook blog easy to use. In order for you to maximize your time here I wanted to give you a "tour" of our place.

All recipes are logged by Main Ingredient (MI), Entree type, or Breakfast type. The links list of recipes are in the right hand column under "Main ingredient list." You may also search for a specific ingredient in the search box in the bottom right hand corner of the blog. The recipes will show their description and ingredient list. If you would like to see the method, please click the "read more" button.

Since the inspiration for the start of the cookbook was my passion for Traditional Nutrition and Wellness, it would be silly to not share that with you all too! If you want to know more information about a specific food, nutrition, ingredient, category, or my kitchen essential tools please visit the Tools and Nutrition Homepage for an alphabetical listing of topics. This will be updated reguarly. If you just can't wait and want more information about a specific topic, please post a comment.

In the future, there will also be a wellness homepage, and a Meal planning homepage. I am still working on them, when they are ready, I will post the links along the top of the blog for you all to access.

If you see wording in bold, that means there is a link to another site. I typically will paraphrase the information, but I am providing you a resource to find out more information. There are times, however, when I don't have an electronic source. I will make every attempt to tell you the books I read the information in.

The goal is to make you a well rounded "All things alternative" kind of a cook! If you feel I am missing a huge category that would be helpful to you, please let me know.

Good luck, and if you have any questions, or comments, or you want another "about" post on a specific topic, please feel free to leave a comment or email me.

Happy hunting!


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